Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Outreach, Jill Economou, discuss organizations that provide a network of leaders and problem solvers to take action for change in our local community and internationally and also are building a health clinic in Africa to provide essential care and services to those in need.
Guests this week include:
Lisa Werner & Julie Craig | Rotary Club
Oye Oyewo | Marvelle Foundation
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Relations, Jill Economou, talk with guests about two organizations that work with kids who have lost...
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Relations, Jill Economou, talk with two nonprofit organizations who work collaboratively and creatively to educate and...
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Outreach, Jill Economou, discuss organizations that offer housing to keep families near the care and resources...