Latest Episodes

9-22-19 - River Revitalization Foundation & UW Milwaukee Outdoor Pursuits
Tune in to hear EIG Founder & Senior Wealth Advisor, Karen Ellenbecker, discuss organizations that help conserve our parks and rivers in Milwaukee and...

9-15-19 - Learning in Retirement & Aging and Disability Resource Center
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Outreach, Jill Economou, talk with guests about programs and events available for retirees and resources for...

9-8-19 - Waukesha County Land Conservancy & Wisconsin Hero Outdoors
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Outreach, Jill Economou, talk with guests about preserving environmentally significant lands in Waukesha county and outdoor...

8-25-19 - Fresh Coast Jazz Festival and Marcus Center for the Performing Arts
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Outreach, Jill Economou, talk with guests about a local jazz festival and other events and entertainment...

8-18-19 - Women in Science and Menomonee Falls High School Healthcare Academy
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Outreach, Jill Economou, talk with guests about the inception and growth of Menomonee Falls High School...

8-11-19 - Community Advocates & The Parenting Network
Tune in to hear EIG Director of Community Outreach, Jill Economou, talk with guests about organizations that provide basic, life-sustaining services for Milwaukee's neediest...